Sample script for the National Museum
The sample script gives directions to and from rooms in the National Museum:

Hello and welcome to your personal tour of the National Museum.
Before we begin, a few words about how the tour works and how you control it.
I'll give you directions to each exhibit and your iPod will display a map showing how to get there.
When you know where you're going, press Pause until you reach your destination. Once there, press Play and I'll point out where the exhibit is located in the room.
That's all there is to it.
First let's get oriented. Right now you should be standing in the Entry Hall at the Tour Start position. With the Front Door behind you the Information Desk is to your right.
Ok, let's get your tour underway and make our way to the first exhibit.

Next Exhibit
Press Pause now and spend as much time as you want enjoying this exhibit. When you are ready to resume your tour, press Play and I will guide you to the next exhibit.
Last Exhibit
That was the last exhibit on your personal tour of the Museum. We hope you've enjoyed the experience. I will now guide you back to the Entry Hall but of course feel free to explore the rest of the museum before you depart.
Tour Finish
You are now in the Entry Hall and your tour is over. We hope you enjoyed your personal tour of the National Museum and we'd love to see you back here again soon.

Entry Hall
The next exhibit on your tour is located in the Entry Hall on the Ground Floor. I'll guide you there now. You can press Pause at any time and then press Play to resume your tour.
Special Exhibitions Room
The next exhibit on your tour is located in the Special Exhibitions Room on the Ground Floor. I'll guide you there now. You can press Pause at any time and then press Play to resume your tour.
Gallery 2
The next exhibit on your tour is located in Gallery 2 on the Ground Floor. I'll guide you there now. You can press Pause at any time and then press Play to resume your tour.
Lake View Room
The next exhibit on your tour is located in the Lake View Room on the Ground Floor. I'll guide you there now. You can press Pause at any time and then press Play to resume your tour.
North Hall
The next exhibit on your tour is located in the North Hall on the Ground Floor. I'll guide you there now. You can press Pause at any time and then press Play to resume your tour.
Gallery 1
The next exhibit on your tour is located in Gallery 1 on the Ground Floor. I'll guide you there now. You can press Pause at any time and then press Play to resume your tour.
Exhibition Hall
The next exhibit on your tour is located in the Exhibition Hall on the Ground Floor. I'll guide you there now. You can press Pause at any time and then press Play to resume your tour.
Southend Hall
The next exhibit on your tour is located in the Southend Hall on the First Floor. I'll guide you there now. You can press Pause at any time and then press Play to resume your tour.
Middle Gallery
The next exhibit on your tour is located in the Middle Gallery on the First Floor. I'll guide you there now. You can press Pause at any time and then press Play to resume your tour.
Northend Hall
The next exhibit on your tour is located in the Northend Hall on the First Floor. I'll guide you there now. You can press Pause at any time and then press Play to resume your tour.
Great Hall
The next exhibit on your tour is located in the Great Hall on the First Floor. I'll guide you there now. You can press Pause at any time and then press Play to resume your tour.

Entry Hall to Special Exhibitions Room
With the Front Door behind you, turn to your left and cross the Entry Hall, passing through the entrance to the Special Exhibitions Room.
Special Exhibitions Room to Gallery 2
With the two Windows behind you, cross the Special Exhibitions Room and pass through the entrance to Gallery 2.
Gallery 2 to Lake View Room
With the Window on your left, cross Gallery 2 and pass through the entrance to the Lake View Room.
Lake View Room to North Hall
With the two Windows behind you, cross the Lake View Room and pass through the entrance to The North Hall.
North Hall to Gallery 1
With the Windows to your left, cross The North Hall and pass through the entrance to Gallery 1 ahead of you.
Gallery 1 to Exhibition Hall
Two doorways both leading directly into the Exhibition Hall are more or less opposite the central Window.
Exhibition Hall to First Floor Landing
We need to make our way to the First Floor. There is an elevator beside the entrance to the Entry Hall or, to take the stairs, return to the Entry Hall and take either set of stairs to the First Floor Landing.
Entry Hall to Exhibition Hall
With the Front Door behind you, cross the Entry Hall and pass through the entrance beneath the staircase to the Exhibition Hall.
Entry Hall to First Floor Landing
We need to make our way to the First Floor. You can take either set of stairs opposite the Museum entrance or there is an elevator immediately to your left as you enter the Exhibition Hall. With the Front Door behind you, the entrance to the Exhibition Hall is beneath the Staircase in front of you.
Gallery 2 to Exhibition Hall
With the Window behind you cross Gallery 2 and pass through the entrance to the Exhibition Hall.
North Hall to Exhibition Hall
With the Windows behind you, cross the North Hall and pass through the entrance to the Exhibition Hall.
Exhibition Hall to North Hall
With the entrance to the Entry Hall behind you, cross the Exhibition Hall and pass through the entrance to The North Hall ahead of you.
Exhibition Hall to Gallery 1
With the entrance to the Entry Hall behind you, turn to your right and cross the Exhibition Hall, passing through either doorway at the end of the hall into Gallery 1.
Exhibition Hall to Entry Hall
The entrance to the Entry Hall is beside the Elevator. As you enter the Entry Hall the Front Door is directly ahead of you.
Lake View Room to Gallery 2
With the two Windows to your right, cross the Lake View Roomand pass through the entrance to Gallery 2.
Gallery 2 to Special Exhibitions Room
With the Window to your right, cross Gallery 2 and pass through the entrance to the Special Exhibitions Room.
Special Exhibitions Room to Entry Hall
With the single large Window behind you, cross the Special Exhibitions Room and pass through the entrance ahead of you to the Entry Hall.
First Floor Landing to Great Hall
Take the entrance opposite the Balcony into The Great Hall.
Great Hall to Northend Hall
With the Windows on your right, cross the Great Hall and pass through the entrance at the end of hall into Northend Hall.
Northend Hall to Middle Gallery
With the two Windows on your right, cross Northend Halland pass through the entrance to the Middle Gallery.
Middle Gallery to Southend Hall
With the Window on your right, cross the Middle Gallery and pass through the entrance to the Southend Hall.
First Floor Landing to Middle Gallery
With the balcony behind you, take the corridor to your left all the way to the Middle Gallery.
Southend Hall to Middle Gallery
With the two Windows behind you cross the Southend Hall and pass through the entrance to the Middle Gallery.
Middle Gallery to First Floor Landing
With the Window behind you cross the Middle Gallery and pass the door, taking the corridor to the First Floor Landing.
Great Hall to First Floor Landing
There are two entries to the First Floor Landing in the wall opposite the Windows. Take the entrance closest to the middle of the wall.
First Floor Landing to Ground Floor Landing
Take the Elevator or Stairs to the Ground Floor.

Special Exhibitions Room North Wall Display 2
Within the Special Exhibitions Room, with the two windows at your back, the exhibit you are looking for is against the wall in front of you, just to the left of the doorway.
Special Exhibitions Room South Wall Display 1
Within the Special Exhibitions Room, facing the wall with the two windows, the exhibit you are looking for is in the corner of the room to your right.
Lake View Room North East Cabinet
Within the Lake View Room, facing the wall with one window, the exhibit you are looking for is in the free standing cabinet in front of you and to your right.
Lake View Room South West Cabinet
Within the Lake View Room, facing away from the wall with one window, the exhibit you are looking for is in the free standing cabinet in front of you and to your left.
North Hall South Wall Cabinet 1
Within the North Hall, facing away from the windows, the exhibit you are looking for is in the cabinet to your far right.
North Hall South Wall Cabinet 3
Within the North Hall, facing away from the windows, the exhibit you are looking for is in the cabinet just to the left of the doorway.
Gallery 1 South Side Panel 1
Within Gallery 1, facing the windows, the exhibit you are looking for is on the near side of the leftmost display panel.
Gallery 1 North Side Panel 4
Within Gallery 1, facing the windows, the exhibit you are looking for is on the near side of the rightmost display panel.
Gallery 1 South Side Panel 4
Within Gallery 1, facing the windows, the exhibit you are looking for is on the far side of the rightmost display panel.
Southend Hall South Wall Display 1
Within Southend Hall, facing the wall with the two windows, the exhibit you are looking for is in the corner of the room to your right.
Southend Hall South Wall Display 2
Within Southend Hall, facing the wall with the two windows, the exhibit you are looking for is against the wall directly in front of you, between the two windows.
Southend Hall South Wall Display 3
Within Southend Hall, facing the wall with the two windows, the exhibit you are looking for is in the corner of the room to your left.
Northend Hall North Cabinet Display Case 1
Within Northend Hall, facing the wall with one window, the exhibit you are looking for is in the free standing cabinet in front of you, and to your left.
Northend Hall North Cabinet Display Case 2
Within Northend Hall, facing the wall with one window, the exhibit you are looking for is in the free standing cabinet directly in front of you.
Northend Hall North Cabinet Display Case 3
Within Northend Hall, facing the wall with one window, the exhibit you are looking for is in the free standing cabinet in front of you, and to your right.
Northend Hall West Cabinet
Within Northend Hall, facing the wall with two windows, the exhibit you are looking for is in the free standing cabinet directly in front of you.
Great Hall North Wall Cabinet 1
Within the Great Hall, facing the windows, the exhibit you are looking for is in the free standing cabinet in front of you and to your left.
Great Hall North Wall Cabinet 2
Within the Great Hall, facing the windows, the exhibit you are looking for is in the free standing cabinet directly in front of you.
Great Hall North Wall Cabinet 3
Within the Great Hall, facing the windows, the exhibit you are looking for is in the free standing cabinet in front of you and to your right.